Scientifica SliceScope Pro 6000 Electrophysiology Rig
Scientifica SliceScope Pro 6000
Patch clamp electrophysiology system
Patch clamp electrophysiology system
Patch clamp electrophysiology system

Scientifica SliceScope Pro 6000

The most versatile patch clamp electrophysiology system

The SliceScope Pro 6000 is an integrated electrophysiology system for patch clamp recording. The versatility of the system means that you can perform in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, and even adapt the system for advanced imaging, such as multiphoton imaging and confocal microscopy.

This package consists of the SliceScope microscope, a motorised movable base plate, two PatchStar manipulators, and a recording chamber.



Record even the smallest electrophysiological signals

The ultra-low noise electronics ensure a high signal-to-noise ratio, meaning you can record tiny signals and acquire the highest data quality every time.

Acquire data from long-term recordings

The incredible stability of the integrated PatchStar Micromanipulators and the sample stage means that you can make long-term recordings from delicate cells and dendrites, enabling full signal acquisition, saving time, and ensuring high-quality data.

Enjoy total control of your rig

The fully integrated PatchStar manipulator, microscope and sample stage, allow you to smoothly position your electrodes and focus and move your microscope to view your sample - using simple and intuitive remote controls. Since it is so easy to use, even inexperienced users can reliably and confidently acquire data.

Achieve the perfect rig setup for your desired experiment

The SliceScope Pro system’s extreme versatility enables you to position all the components to suit your needs. You have complete freedom to align your manipulators to the perfect angle for patching, position your sample for best access, and set up your rig to meet your experimental needs.

A rig for life - grow your rig with your experiments

The innovative, modular design of the SliceScope Pro enables you to develop and adapt your rig to suit your experimental requirements as they change. If you wish to use IR DIC, fluorescence illumination, optogenetics stimulation or multiphoton imaging, the SliceScope Pro is designed to be able to grow with your research. This saves you precious money and time.

Record from multyiple sites of interest

You can confidently search your sample and exchange pipettes during recordings, due to the stable smooth design of the Motorised Moveable Base Plate (MMBP).

Maximise your patching time with fast, reliable pipette exchange

he PatchStar manipulator incorporates a unique, super-reliable, pipette exchange system which enables you to rapidly change pipettes between experiments. Utilising a simple twist and slide mechanism, you can change your pipette and be ready to patch in seconds. The smart home-in and home-out offset function accounts for varying length electrodes.

Compact design

The slimline SliceScope and ergonomically designed manipulators and stage create a compact system, providing you with the space you need to add any further equipment to support your unique experimental requirements. Your lab space is also maximised, since the system is mountable on most small lab tables.

Suitable for in vivo and in vitro

The ultra-stable mounting platform’s holes and sliding carriages means you can position manipulators and other equipment on the same platform providing complete experimental flexibility.

Adaptable for your imaging needs

The fixed microscope and moving stage design means that you can easily adapt the system for Multiphoton imaging or develop the rig in whatever way suits you.

Choose your preferred controller to acquire data

Control your rig with a Control Cube or PatchPad - whichever suits you. Both options enable you to control all aspects of your rig, including speed control, memory positions, and home-in and home-out for rapid pipette exchange.

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LinLab is a versatile control software designed to give you advanced control over your motorised Scientifica device.

Advanced control options

Control the focus, condenser, translation stage and micromanipulators using our remote control options. Alternatively use our LinLab software, developed specifically to control all of our motorised components and heating and perfusion elements.

Position co-ordinates can be viewed, stored, exported and recalled in LinLab, or users can couple the system with our PatchPad Display Controller, so X, Y and Z co-ordinates can be viewed in real time right by the sample. An ideal set up for customers doing auditory research or anyone who wishes to avoid using a workstation near to their sample.


Scientifica SciCam Pro Camera

Use the Scientifica SciCam Pro to visualise beautifully contrasted cells for easier patch clamping and fluorescent Imaging.


Scientifica Bath Perfusion Tool

​​Ideal for perfusion inlet and outlet tubes, reference electrodes or other small devices. Perfect for the confined space around the recording chamber.​



Download the SliceScope Pro brochure for more information.



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我们一系列的模块化零件和配件使我们能够量身打造适合您研究的Patchstar。 随着您实验的发展,您也可以在您的实验室无缝量身定制您自己的Patchstar。



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