The Paris Spring School: Optical Imaging and Electrophysiological Recording in Neuroscience

The Paris Spring School: Optical Imaging and Electrophysiological Recording in Neuroscience is a 14-day residential course of lectures, demonstrations and practical work in optical imaging and electrophysiology.

Scientifica supports the students' academic journey through the provision of two full electrophysiology systems: the SliceScope Pro 1000 and the SliceScope Pro 6000.


Date: 3rd - 16th May 2022


Location: Paris, France

The 2023 course will include:

  • Lectures and practicals held at the Université Paris Descartes.
  • Hands-on, intensive practical sessions over six days, with dedicated instructors and setups assembled with the latest equipment. Students can choose 3 techniques from: patch-clamping in slices, field recordings, calcium imaging, voltage-sensitive dyes, Neuropixel, photolysis, optical bench and analogue and digital electronics.
  • Demonstrations of advanced techniques, including: confocal microscopy, high-speed two-photon imaging, in vivo imaging, in vivo patch-clamp recording, TIRF imaging, super-resolution imaging, extracellular recording in vivo, viral transfection methods, and wavefront engineering.

The SliceScope Pro 6000

The most versatile patch clamp electrophysiology system

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